A letter from our president, Ted Higgins:
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) was originally diagnosed by physician James Parkinson in 1817, and described as “Shaking Palsy.” Over the past 206 years the cause of this progressive disease has been determined to be a neurological disorder resulting in the loss of brain cells responsible for the production of dopamine. During this time researchers have made great strides in the treatment of PD, making the lives of those afflicted more manageable. Unfortunately during this time a cure has eluded researchers.
Can you imagine the cost of doing research for this disease, or any other disease that you, your family, or someone you know is dealing with? Imagine the costs incurred to be able to provide counselling programs, support groups, educational materials, as well as enhancing the quality of life of those living with PD. It all comes at great expense which is why fundraising for this organization is so important so they can in turn ease the burden on 125,000+ Canadians currently diagnosed, as well as the 25-30 newly diagnosed on a daily basis, and ultimately find the elusive cure.
On a more personal note I was diagnosed in 2020, when I started having tremors in my left hand. I now have tremors in both hands, but happily I can say that it is progressing slowly and my symptoms are manageable without the need for medication. As I came to terms with my diagnosis and began utilizing the services provided by the Parkinson’s Society, I became aware of the funding required to provide programs to support those afflicted with PD as well a the never ending quest to find the CURE.
This will be my fourth year participating in the Parkinson SuperWalk Campaign. Over the past three years my fundraising efforts have raised $57,063.00 which I never could have accomplished without your support. WOW! and THANK YOU!
Once again this year I am asking for your support in attaining and hopefully surpassing the $10,000.00 goal I have set for myself. I can not accomplish this by myself, it is a team effort with the help of YOU and my team that has been faithfully been by my side for the past three year: Jack Armour, Brian Bartlett, Holly Brackenridge, Tracey Cockfield, Barb and Don Dunford, Steve Everson, Brenda and Brian Higgins, Tammy Higgins, Diane Livingstone, Len Powers and Mark Vitarelli.
Please visit https://donate.parkinson.ca/goto/teddy2023 to donate.
We will also have donation buckets at the doors of the Memorial Centre for Game 4 of our series vs. Six Nations.
If you prefer to make your donation by cheque please make it payable to Parkinsons Canada and forward it to Diane Livingstone, 1-254 Collison Avenue, Peterborough, ON K9J 1A6.
Big or small - it all adds up and I am forever grateful, as are all Canadians dealing with PD, and send to you our biggest, heart felt THANK YOU.
God Bless,
Ted Higgins
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